C- Caregiver
A- Advocate
N- Negotiator of treatments
C- Constant companion
E- Encourager
R- Researcher of ALL things cancer
Hello & Welcome!
I’m Paula.
Lung Cancer Co-Pilot to Mike Molstead.
I am a wife, mama to 5 adult "kids”, grandma to 11 grandkids, christian, health & fitness enthusiast, and patient advocate to my husband Mike, who has been thriving with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) since 2001. At the time of his initial diagnosis our kids were just 17, 14, 12, 10, and 1 years old. Mike was a fit, healthy, never smoker with no family history of the illness. We learned the hard way that anyone with lungs can get lung cancer.
I started blogging back in 2017 after Mike had advanced from stage 1A to stage 4 cancer. Between 2001 and 2017 he had 3 major lung surgeries (thoracotomies) leaving him with ~1/2 of each lung left in total.
My goal in starting this blog was to use it as an outlet to keep people informed of how he is doing, as well as to give people hope.
We try to live life as “normal” as possible by enjoying our family, going to sporting events, golfing (for Mike), walking together, playing pickle ball, lifting weights, etc.
I have spent the last 20+ years researching all things cancer related, especially health, nutrition, and holistic remedies. All of which has been to keep Mike thriving, with the sincere hope that God would heal his body for good! (Lord Willing!)
If I get ambitious, I may even sprinkle in some of that holistic health knowledge here and there on the blog. 😉