We have been looking forward to this day for 3 weeks, the last day of IV Chemo/supplements and on to oral. It is however a bittersweet day, because we grew to love the staff at Century Wellness Clinic as well as the fellow patients and caregivers! So many people with so many different cancers and their loved ones coming from all over the U.S. with a common heal from this dreaded disease! We shared stories, encouragement, healing strategies, "diet" ideas, exchanged phone numbers and made sweet friendships. We feel great about our decision to follow our hearts and go to Reno NV for cancer treatment, and we enjoyed our time there. Our new affirmation: EVERY DAY, IN EVERY WAY I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER! We believe Mike is on the road to true healing!
Mike's blood work (especially his WBC & RBC) has remained great throughout the treatments and he has felt well except for a little fatigue so he never had to take any extra medications, so we are thankful for that! He is ready to get back to work, play some golf and hang out with family and friends. We are both ready to get back to Charles City but… first we are super excited to see and hug Jackson and watch him and his Martin Brothers teammates play their last AAU basketball tournament in Kansas City these next few days.
Thanks for all the prayers, love and support, be blessed!